The legend, 100x200cm
Year: 2021
The print was created as part of the "Zenit 21/21" project, which was co-created by two faculties: the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade and the Academy of Arts in Zagreb.
The work is based on a study of the textual and visual contents of the Zenit magazine. Because it was a magazine with a specific structure and its founder religiously followed the Zenith manifesto, I wanted to find out how much his personal life influenced the content. As a result, the entire content is digitally transformed into a grid of squares. Each square depicts one issue. The square unit relationships are based on the relationships of black and white, written and unwritten, print and paper.
The work depicts the map legend of 34 magazines, ranging from issue 1 to issue 43. (Several issues are bundled into a single publication.)
Legend is a type of folklore that consists of a story about human actions that the narrators and listeners understood or believed happened in human history.
Legend is a character explanation / reading guide.

︎ https://flu.bg.ac.rs/2021/05/zenit-21-21/
︎ http://www.unizg.hr/nc/vijest/article/projekt-suradnje-likovnih-akademija-zenit-2121/
︎ http://www.unizg.hr/nc/vijest/article/projekt-suradnje-likovnih-akademija-zenit-2121/