Sequence and Act,
Lithograph Prints

Year: 2020 - 2021
Sequence and Act is a series of graphics made in 2020 and 2021 using the lithography technique. It consists of five black and white prints created as a series of dots in the first phase of the project. The next phase involved randomly selecting one of the dots, determining its color spontaneously, and overlapping it with another dot. The contrast between countability and plurality, and the infinite combinations that can be formed from dots, means there is no set edition number. Instead, each iteration of the process offers a new experience. Breaking away from traditional graphic production methods gave me the courage to explore the mathematical aspects of printmaking even further.
Sequence and Act is a series of graphics made in 2020 and 2021 using the lithography technique. It consists of five black and white prints created as a series of dots in the first phase of the project. The next phase involved randomly selecting one of the dots, determining its color spontaneously, and overlapping it with another dot. The contrast between countability and plurality, and the infinite combinations that can be formed from dots, means there is no set edition number. Instead, each iteration of the process offers a new experience. Breaking away from traditional graphic production methods gave me the courage to explore the mathematical aspects of printmaking even further.
Create your own! Move the signs around. (Desktop only) ︎